Wightoak Services
Transport Services
All Transport Services are delivered by an experienced, comprehensively insured, and risk-assessed team. All members of the team are First Aid Trained as well as, RRN Certified Restraint and Breakaway Trained and embody positive behaviour support. The following services can be procured on a scheduled or emergency basis:
Secure Escort Services for Children and Young People with Criminal or Welfare Secure Court Orders
Non-Secure Escort Services for vulnerable Children and Young People (absconders, placement moves, and escorting of Unaccompanied Minors)
Welfare Recovery Orders – Assisting with the implementation of recovery orders including the removal of children from the home and escort to placement as required / Working with the police and other agencies
Secure Hospital Bed Watch – 24-hour secure supervision of children and young people with secure orders during a hospital stay
Appropriate Adult Provision – Undertaking the role of an appropriate adult for a child/ young person either as part of escort services or as a standalone service
Residential / Care Training
Training is delivered by our experienced, enthusiastic team who are passionate about creating bespoke packages tailored to the unique needs of the residential and care sectors.
Licensed First Aid Training
RRN Certified Restraint and Breakaway Training
Leadership, Coaching, and Mentoring Training
Consultancy Services
Our multidisciplinary team offers an array of consultancy services and packages for the residential and care sectors, including:
Delivery of clinical supervision
Management Supervision / Coaching and mentoring
Delivery of bespoke group reflective practice
Relational dynamics groups